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MY menu
2 courses 24.50 • 3 courses 32.50 • 4 courses 36.00
supplement cheese instead of dessert + 2.50
Roasted pumpkin, feta, bulgur,
caramelized nuts and apple vinaigrette V
Tartar of Onglet (90 grams),
marinated radish and cream of green mustard
Creamy crustacean bisque,
shrimps and spring onion oil
* *****
Grilled veal loin with green asparagus
and mushroom sauce
Sea wolf with spinach and a dashi . beurre blanc
ravioli from fennel, tomato, black garlic
and foam of Parmesan cheese V
Cheesecake with blackberries and lemon sorbet
Three cheeses with Voerense apple syrup and nut bread
supplement cheese instead of dessert + 2.50

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